Health Solutions

From Treating to Splurging Yourself: “Retail Therapy” amidst COVID-19

Read about how uncertainties of COVID-19 pandemic led people to cope with stress and anxiety through shopping.

While shopping for different items both in online platforms and in physical stores can spark joy, excitement, and fulfillment, unrestrained shopping can lead to negative emotions that can affect one’s mental health in the long run. Here are some ways to make use of shopping as a coping mechanism in a controlled manner:

1. Know what an impulse purchase is.
There are many choices from online shops and physical shops that buying unnecessary items is difficult to resist, especially with all the discounts and deals. Determine whether you are buying the things you actually need in your life.

2. Read through other customers’ reviews.
Smart shoppers consider several things when deciding whether to add an item to their carts such as the value for money and overall quality. Other customer ratings and feedback can help you in determining the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a specific item.

3. Observe shopping habits.
“Retail therapy” can change the way people spend their money. Tracking expenses can help to see whether you are buying things beyond your budget.  Although shopping can give a satisfying feeling, make sure to remain rational when spending your hard-earned money.

Learn more about how “retail therapy” can be a coping mechanism and a risk for people through a news article.

This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.