Medical Facilities
Issuances Summary

Guidelines on Using DepEd Schools As Quarantine Or Isolation Areas For COVID-19


The LGU should coordinate with the Department of Education in order to convert schools in their communities into quarantine or isolation facilities.


The LGUs can use the guidelines as reference in converting the schools into quarantine or isolation facilities.

- The LGU must state in its request the specific intended purpose or use for the school, and identify the particular facility in the school that will be used as well as the duration of their use, subject to extension, if necessary;

- The LGU must show that all other facilities have been duly assessed and were found to be inadequate. Schools can be recommended only when no other facilities are available;

- The LGU must present an assessment by the municipal, city, or provincial health officer that the facility within the school is suitable for the specific intended purpose;

- The LGU must present the planned management of the facility, which shall be under the supervision of the City/Municipal Health Officer, and must conform to existing DOH standards and guidelines and

- The LGU request must include an undertaking: for the safekeeping of all property and valuables in the school premises during the operation of the facility; payment of utilities for the period; the conduct of the general cleaning and fumigation, and repair and/or replacement of damaged school facilities as a result of the use of the school; and, payment of expenses related to the setting-up, operation and clearing of the areas used

The LGU should also sign the terms and conditions for the use of schools as quarantine or isolation facilities.

The schools will also be monitored by the DepEd regional director.

Office Memorandum 2020-002
Article tungkol sa Guidelines
Template of the Memorandum of Agreement
DepEd Requirements
DILG Guidelines
This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.