IEC Materials

Information Dissemination via Traditional and Digital Platforms

LGUs can utilize different materials to ensure citizens get the message.

The Municipality of Odiongan through the Office of the Municipal Mayor and the Odiongan Public Information Office collaborated to do an FB live update on COVID-19. Guesting of national agencies personnel and local functionaries became an occurrence, as the need arose. ECQ FB Live Updates became a platform where the LGU officials and the community interacts to clarify issues pertaining to issued ECQ policies as well as amelioration and social support programs of the government. The FB Live Updates were carried by the 2 local TV networks and the local radio network, which allowed a wider audience to gain access to timely and important information. Even citizens from other municipalities in Romblon province listen in and participate during FB Live Updates.

BLGD Documentation of LGU Practices
This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.