Health Solutions

On OFWs’ Mental Health during COVID: Some Heroes Need Help Too

Read about how COVID-19 pandemic affects the mental health of OFWs who are living in unfamiliar places and longing for home.

Here are a few tips in combating nostalgia abroad, especially as the holiday season is quickly approaching, but the pandemic is far from over:

1. Touch base with loved ones at home

Homesickness does not go away overnight nor healing from it is a linear process. It is really important to talk to family and friends about the distress and worry of working abroad. Use online platforms available now to communicate back home such as video conferencing and social media apps.

2. Have social media and news detox

Endless scrolling in social media platforms and news websites leaves mental health more on edge due to overwhelming information both from the host country and the Philippines. Log out for a while to dial down anxiety.

3. Find a new hobby for physical health

Mental and physical health are actually closely related. Challenging circumstances would require people to be healthy, creative, and active. Explore exercises that are favorable for the working environment and expectations.

Check out this Rappler Opinion Article to learn more about the mental health challenges of OFWs across the globe and what support they need!

This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.