Barangay eSkwela and the Barangay Literacy Worker

Barangay eSkwela and the Barangay Literacy Worker


The LGU aimed to address the high number of out-of-school children, youth, and adults in Naga City.


The LGU introduced Barangay eSkwela Centers, which offered ICT-enhanced educational programs as part of the Alternative Learning System.

They engaged literacy volunteers to promote literacy and encourage the enrollment of out-of-school children, youth, and adults (OSCYA).


The program has led to the following achievements: 

  • OSCYAs in Naga decreased by 14%, from 7,465 in 2016 to 6,456 in 2017. 
  • ALS passing rates improved from 36.9% in 2014 to 72% in 2017. 
  • Around 1,460 program graduates have pursued higher education or secured employment locally and internationally.
Implementation Guidelines

Guideline 1: Incentivize the participation of residents in the project.

OSCYA enrollees were given various benefits to the enrollees, including career assistance and discounts on health-related bills on top of free modules and materials.

Guideline 2: Encourage beneficiaries to continue on participating in the community after the project.

The Naga City Out-of-School Youth Organization (NOSYO) was created through the project, consisting of OSCYA enrollees. They continue to undergo leadership training and organize their own community projects.

Guideline 3:  Designate a committee to lead and monitor the program’s effectiveness.

The Naga City eSkwela Project Management Committee is responsible for designing programs and monitoring OSCYA participation and performance indicators. They collaborate with agencies and maintain records to evaluate the program's effectiveness.

Project Files
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Naga City