Provincial Action Plan on Preventing and Transforming Violent Extremism (PAP PTVE)

Provincial Action Plan on Preventing and Transforming Violent Extremism (PAP PTVE)


Terrorism continues to destroy the livelihood and peace of families in Maguindanao.


The province of Maguindanao created the Provincial Action Plan on Preventing and Transforming Violent Extremism (PAP PTVE), a strategy book that lists the various initiatives that the province can do, with the help of their partners, to solve the root problem of violent extremism in their communities.

Implementation Guidelines

Guideline 1: Use tools to assess the root cause of the problem while also assessing the LGU's capacity and need for support

Example: Maguindanao province partnered with Project CIRCLE, a project of The Asia Foundation and supported by the Australian Government, to identify the root of the problem of violent extremism and the needs of communities through a systematic process designed to be participatory and consultative.

Guideline 2: Reach out to vulnerable sectors and provide productive programs for them

Example: Many of the PAP PTVE programs are for vulnerable sectors such as women and youth. The PAP PTVE also includes possible programs to solve the roots of the problem that causes community members to be encouraged by violent extremist groups..

Guideline 3: Teach the program to fellow LGUs to strengthen its reach

Example: The province is trying to replicate the process in all its LGUs. Currently, Datu Saudi Ampatuan and Datu Abdullah Sangki have a Municipal Action Plan on Preventing Violent Extremism.

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Maguindanao del Sur