Tagumpay Works Program


The LGU aimed to address high unemployment and mismatch of skills to jobs in the city.


The program includes career guidance for graduating elementary students and parents to assist in choosing suitable courses. This early intervention helps students make informed career choices and prepare them for their desired jobs.

Additionally, employment facilitation services were extended to the barangay level by establishing a Barangay Employment Desk (BED) to reach more job seekers. 

The program also introduced the Philippine Talent Map Online Test to assess competencies, strengths, and weaknesses for better job matching and tailored skills training or entrepreneurial support.


Since its implementation, the program has achieved the following results: 

  • More than 46,000 college graduates and undergraduates received career coaching from 2015 to 2017
  • Job referrals increased from 17,873 to 20,576, leading to approximately 18,931 hires in 2017. 
  • Unemployment decreased from 5.8% to 4.5% 
  • Job placements increased from 16,584 to 18,931. 
  • Around 4,388 micro and small-scale entrepreneurs received affordable loans,
  • More than 3,000 program graduates secured employment locally and abroad during that period.
Implementation Guidelines

Guideline 1: Provide multiple services specifically catering to the needs of an age range.

While the LGU provided jobs for adults, they also expanded their reach and offered early career assistance to elementary school graduates.

Guideline 2: Cascade services even to the barangay level

The LGU utilized various delivery channels to reach disadvantaged sectors by cascading their services to the barangay level and establishing the Barangay Employment Desk (BED)

Guideline 3: Maximize available resources or templates related to the project.

The Philippine Talent Map Online Test, an existing tool for assessing employment characteristics, effectively referred job seekers to potential employers.

Project Files
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Tagum City