The Dimanayat Micro-Hydro Power Project

The Dimanayat Micro-Hydro Power Project


Many coastal barangays in San Luis, Aurora, lack electricity in their households, particularly those far from the Aurora Electric Cooperative (AURELCO) grid, which is at least 9 kilometers away.


The LGU launched a micro-hydro power project in partnership with the Central Luzon State University Affiliate Non-Conventional Energy Center.


The project supplies electricity to 78 households in Dimanayat while providing an average monthly income of PHP 6,000 to the Dimanayat Micro-Hydro Farmers' Association.

These earnings cover power plant operation and maintenance, with any surplus funds supporting local farmers and fisherfolk. Dimanayat households enjoy a monthly electricity bill of only Php 127, compared to Central Aurora households paying twice that amount.

Implementation Guidelines

Guideline 1: Engage community participation in the project.

The LGU mobilized their barangay cooperatives to monitor and operate the project.

Guideline 2: Choose high-quality but low-maintenance equipment.

Notably, the micro-hydro plant project is low-maintenance and has a lifespan of up to 50 years, with only the generators requiring replacement every three years.

Guideline 3: Partner with other institutions.

Through its partnership with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), the LGU facilitated the installation of shallow payaos, significantly increasing individual fish catch from 250 kilograms to 504 kilograms annually.

Project Files
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San Luis